About the The Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP):
The RoATP is expected to give employers and apprentices an assurance that the providers they will use have the capacity and capability to deliver good quality Apprenticeship training. The register reforms are central to the broader Apprenticeship reforms, which are being introduced to drive up the quality and quantity of Apprenticeships.
The register will encourage diversity and competition in the provider market, supporting quality and employer choice.
What does this mean for Just IT?
As a chosen main provider, Just IT will be able to:
- Deliver Apprenticeship training to employers that will pay the Apprenticeship Levy, for any Apprenticeships that start on, or after, 1st May 2017
- Deliver Apprenticeship training to our own Apprentices, or Apprentices of our connected companies for any Apprenticeships that start on, or after, 1st May 2017 (if we will be paying the Apprenticeship Levy)
- Deliver Apprenticeship training as a subcontractor for any Apprenticeships that start on, or after, 1st May 2017
When does it take affect?
From May 2017, levied employers will be able to choose a provider from the new register.
For more information on the register, visit here.
The Skills Funding Agency (SFA) will be publishing the register on their webpage shortly.